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Prostate Problems - The Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Adenoma of the prostate (APZH), also called benign prostatic hyperplasia - a benign tumor, which develops as a result of proliferation lacunar prostate gland urethra and resulting in voiding disorders. Adenoma of the prostate gland may occur as early as 40-50 years and gradually increases in size. More than half of men over age 60 suffer APZH, and at age 70, she is in 8 out of 10 men. Men whose fathers suffered APZH incidence above.
Causes of fully established, but most experts believe that it is a hormonally sensitive tumor and correlated with the level of the male sex hormone (testosterone) and age. Prostate adenoma immediate threat to the life of patients does not represent, as a slowly progressive disease. However, in the absence of treatment or inadequate disease eventually leads to kidney damage and kidney failure, from which the sick and may die.
There was some danger is the rapid and radical treatment for APZH large sizes, especially in heavy, burdened by concomitant diseases, patients. However, modern methods of surgical treatment of this disease minimize this risk, even in severe cases. Early diagnosis, dynamic observation of a doctor, timely and adequate treatment - this is the key to success.
Signs Adenoma
1. Adenoma of the prostate gland, causing narrowing of the initial part of the urethra, violates the outflow of urine from the bladder, leading to the emergence of so-called symptoms emptying (obstructive), which are:
- Beginning of urination implemented with some delay
- Difficult urination, weak urine stream, interrupted, the act of urination takes more time
- With the progression of the disease urination can be dropwise
- After urinating outside of the opening of the urethra some drops of urine involuntarily continues flowing and dirty underwear.
2. Prostate adenoma, posterior urethra and the lower segment (neck), bladder can also cause a so-called symptoms of storage (irritative) associated with the phase of accumulation (storage) of urine in the bladder that may lead to:
- Frequent urination, carried out in small portions, including at night, which holds to the need to interrupt sleep several times per night
- The urge for urination can be so strong that there is an urgent need for emptying the bladder, and sometimes the patient involuntarily lose urine before reaching the toilet
- After the act of urination may be a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.
Complications of prostatic adenoma
Are rare, they are as follows:
- Acute urinary retention, developing a sudden, the patient can not urinate, even though she felt the unbearable urge for urination. Needed urgent medical care for emptying the bladder. It is more likely if symptoms APZH more pronounced, but may also occur against the background of complete well-being. Provoking factors for the development of acute urinary retention are: alcohol intake, hypothermia, delayed emptying of the bladder.
- Chronic urinary retention occurs gradually as the disease progresses, if the patient does not receive adequate treatment. This urine arbitrarily or inadvertently released by drops or extremely small portions, but the bladder is full.
Against the background of chronic urinary retention disease can often be complicated by the formation of stone in the bladder, the accession of urinary infection and / or chronic renal insufficiency.
The risk of sexual dysfunctions due APZH negligible. Investigations required for diagnosis of prostatic adenoma:
- Finger study of the prostate through the anus: the most routine and is designed to determine its size, no evidence of prostate cancer, but it is not informative and do not always correlate with patient complaints
- Urinalysis: to carry the exclusion of other causes of frequent urination (diabetes, urinary infection, etc.) The concentration of urea and serum creatinine determined to avoid renal
- The majority of patients assigned to the study of blood prostate specific antigen (PSA), whose results are evaluated by a doctor
- Transrectal ultrasound to determine the size of the prostate and the volume of residual urine.
When planning surgical treatment can be conducted more in-depth laboratory, instrumental, ultrasound and X-ray examination of organs and body systems to identify potential contraindications to the planned operation.
For more details visit the following sections
Prostate Problems
Symptoms of Prostate Problems
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